WARNING: I only take on 4 people each month, and depending on when you’re reading this, some of those spots might be gone.
It's time to take your funnel or website copy to the next level so you can..
STop wasting money on ad spend or constantly tweaking your offer stack! 

9 times out of 10, YOUR COPY is the reason your funnel isn't generating sales.

We're going to make THREE key tweaks:
 - Create a stronger HOOK
 - Move your best copy to the top (most people put it too low)
- Call out all possible objections your target customer might have before they're even conscious of it

I'm also going to make sure your copy creates a connection with your audience. I will take you through my foolproof process for writing sales funnel copy that converts lurkers into buyers. 

This is a dead-simple process that will only take 30 minutes of your time and could exponentially increase your sales this month!!!

THE offer copy remix
Get my simple, 3-step process for getting you compelling, powerful sales copy


Step One
☑️ I'll do a full copy audit of your funnel or website, rewrite whatever needs rewriting, move copy where it needs to go, and improve your HOOKS to make sure you grab potential buyers right at the top with curiosity and authenticity. Then I'll go over what I'm changing and why with you on a call so you can do it yourself next time.


Step two
☑️ I'll give you my feedback on your full offer stack (lead magnet, order bump, one-time-offer, upsell/downsell) to make sure it all makes sense and takes the buyer on a logical customer journey.


step three
☑️ You'll get a 5-email welcome or abandon cart sequence custom-written by me to GUARANTEE that anyone who opts into your funnel will become indoctrinated into your methodologies and offers and eventually buy from you.
"Heidi is a lifesaver--we put together the best Anxiety program on the planet and she has helped us from A to Z put together this entire program. For taking your "mess" and turning it into your beautiful, compelling message, I highly recommend Heidi."
kolton krottinger
"I contacted Heidi because I needed a rewrite of my website copy. We met on the phone and discussed my needs and she made some great suggestions including the idea to create an email sequence that I could put on my website. She took the time to get to know my story and was really able to capture what I was wanting to convey to potential clients in a clear and concise way. It feels like such a relief to get this project off my plate! Thank you, Heidi! "
Marianne lindau daughterey
"I really wanted to thank Heidi...not only was it really great copy, and the copy converts and is making me sales and money, but it also took a huge weight off my shoulders. I was worried that if I had someone else do it it wasn't going to sound like me--but all the copy totally sounds like me and is perfect for my target audience."
Rachel S. Lee
2 Comma Club Winner, COurse Creator & Coach
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