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ONE TIME OFFER ($247): Get my Done-For-You Facebook ad copywriting service, where I write ad copy to drive traffic to your revamped funnel that is engaging AND compliant. I'll break down the process behind how to write each piece (headline, lead, body, CTA, newsfeed description) so you can do it yourself the next time.

Here's What You'll Get:
  • My calendar link to book your Offer Copy Remix call and answer my intake form questions so I have all the info I need to get started.
  •  A 60-min. call where I'll go over my recommended revisions to make sure you understand everything. ($997)
  •  A customized-for-you and 'battle-tested' welcome email sequence guaranteed to turn your opt-ins into repeat buyers. ($997)
  • Feedback on your full offer stack (lead magnet, order bump, one-time-offer, upsell/downsell) to make sure it all makes sense and takes the buyer on a logical journey. ($497)

Your Cost Today: 
Only $4491 $2997

"Heidi Anspaugh is a killer copywriter, and an awesome human being. I've seen her work and have been impressed each time (and she's only getting better - I predict you won't have direct access to her like this for much longer).
You've probably seen her work too, since she's worked with some of the biggest names and on some of the biggest launches in the business.

If you have a high ticket item, and it's NOT converting at a rate that's speeding you towards retirement (or if you need to increase that speed)...

Realize: It's not too late!
Consider the value of the potential sales you might have made and could make tomorrow if your funnel, ads, e-comm started to REALLY convert with proper copy.
It should become crystal clear.
You're actually LOSING MONEY every minute you wait to contact Heidi Anspaugh.

- Eric Mann, The Copy Machine

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